The RENTAR Fuel Catalyst is used by many different companies. In the table below you can see what the results of the use of the RENTAR Fuel Catalyst is at differtent companies. |
Company: Olson-Eco Eng Labs Federal UDDS-HD Test Cycle New York City Bus Cycle Federal Steady State Cycle ETS Emission Test Lab Toyota / Penske Truck Leasing With a wamr start-up in the Lab During practical test Virginia Tech University Southwest Research Ins Chesapeake Bay Foundation Measured on Karen N., a ca.12 meter long ship (Average) Ministerie Defensie, Italië (Emmission reduced with 15%) US Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center England's Millbrook Proving Ground |
FUEL 7,3 % 10,3 % 5,7 % 6,0 % 3,2 % 11,3 % 7,6 % 2,0 % 19,1 % 4,8 % 21 % 7,38 % |
PM 6,1 % 3,4 % 9,4 % 20,0 % 6,9 % 42,2 % NB 0,8 % NB NB (39 - 50% NB |
NOx 14,4 % 20,6 % 15,9 % 19,2 % NB NB 13,0 % 3,3 % NB 10 % Re- NB |
CO2 14,4 % 19,0 % 5,7 % NB 2,5 % 9,7 % NB 2,0 % NB 10 % ducing NB |
CO 6,9 % 4,6 % 0,6 % 9,9 % 9,9 % 33,5 % 4,0 % 3,5 % NB NB Emmis- NB |
THC 22,7 % 9,5 % 13,0 % NB 10,3 % 36,8 % 13,0 % 10,1 % NB NB sion) NB |